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Emergency Medicine : The Principals of Practice / edited by Saacha Fulde, Gordian Fulde

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    E53 2020
    1055534 (Shelf),BOK
    Emergency Medicine : The Principals of Practice.

         xxviii, 1215 pages : colour illustrations ; 19 cm.
         includes index.
         1 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - 2 The airway, ventilation and procedural sedation - 3 Resuscitation procedures - 4 Trauma - 5 Shock - 6 Major hemorrhage - 7 Burns - 8 Pateint transport, retrieval and pre-hospital care - 9 The seriously ill patient: tips and tricks - 10 The approach to the patient with chest pain and dysponea - 11 Acute coronary syndromes - 12 Clinical electrocardiography and arrhythmia management - 13 Respiratory emergencies: the acutely breathless patient - 14 Haemopthysis - 15 Acute pulmonary oedema - 16 Venous thromboembolic disease: deep venous thrombosis and pumnonary embolism - 17 Neurological emergencies - 18 Poisoning and overdose - 19 Drug and alcohol - 20 Endocrine emergencies - 21 Acid-base and electrolyte disorders - 22 Geriatric care - 23 Infectious diseases - 24 The immunosuppressed patient - 25 Emergency department haemotology - 26 Gastrointestinal emergencies - 27 Neurosurgical emergencies - 28 Aortic and vascular emergencies - 29 Orthopedic emergencies - 30 Urological emergencies - 31 Wounds - 32 Pain management in the emergency department - 33 Paediatric emergencies - 34 Gynaecological emergencies - 35 Sexual assault and domestic violence - 36 Suprise! The baby is coming - 37 Hand injuries and care - 38 Opthalmic emergencies - 39 Ear, nose and throat (ENT) emergencies - 40 Management of dental emergencies - 41 Psychiatry, mental health emergencies - 42 Dermatological emergencies - 43 Drowning - 44 Envenomation - 45 Electrical injuries - 46 Hypothermia and hyperthermia - 47 Mass-casualty incidents, chemical, biological and radiological hazard contingencies - 48 Diagnostic imaging in emergency patients - 49 Ultrasound in emergency medicine - 50 X-ray and ct common misses - 51 Test ordering: blood result, CSF analysis, plueral fluid analysis, acsitic fluid analysis and joint analysis, choosing wisely - 52 Nursing and allied health advanced practice and adjunct roles - 53 Emergency medicine in a rural setting - 54 Caring for Indigenous patients - 55 Student’s guide to the emergency department - 56 A guide for interns, residents, medical officers working in emergency medicine - 57 So it’s your first night shift ‘in charge’ - how to manage the department - 58 So you had a bad shift … - 59 Useful resources: FOAM resources, podcasts and online emergency medicine material - 60 Career, lifestyle and success - 61 Career in emergency medicine: workplace-based assessment - 62 Adminidtration and governance in the ED - 63 Rules, confidentiality, legal matters.

         ISBN 9780729543019
         .-ISBN 0729543013.
          1. Emergency Medicine.I. Fulde, Saacha II. Fulde, Gordian III. Title
         Control No. : 42978
         Library : UiTM Shah Alam
    Accn No.Item StatusAdd IdLocationSMDItem Category
    1055534ShelfPerpustakaan Hospital UiTM(PHU)BOOKRAK TERBUKA (OPEN SHELVES)

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