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2010 structures congress : 19th analysis and computation specialty conference / edited by Sivaji Senapathi, Kevin Casey, Marc Hoit ; [sponsored by] Structural Engineering Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers electronic resource

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    989503 (Ready For Circulation),CP
    2010 structures congress : 19th analysis and computation specialty conference. - Reston, Va. , 2010.

         1 CD-ROM : col. ; 4 3/4 in.
         The 19th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference was held in conjunction with the 2010 Structures Congress on May 12-15, 2010, in Orlando, Florida.
         Contains the separate proceedings of the 2010 Structures Congress and the 19th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference.

         ISBN 9780784411124
         .-ISBN 0784411123.
         1. Structural engineering - Congresses 2. Structural analysis (Engineering) - Congresses.I. Senapathi, Sivaji II. Casey, Kevin III. Hoit, Marc IV. Structural Engineering Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers. V. Title
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