Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development. Vol. 2, Diesel engines / Edited by Hua Zhao volume 2
| | | | 1004743 (Shelf),vol 2,BOK |
| Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development. Vol. 2, Diesel engines. |
| xix, 728 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm Woodhead Publishing in mechanical engineering. | ISBN 9781439824757 | .-ISBN 9781845697440. | | 1. Automobiles Moteurs - Injection du carburant 2. Automobiles - Moteurs diesel 3. Automobiles Motors (Compressed-gas) 4. Automobiles Motors (Diesel) 5. Automobiles Motors - Fuel injection systems.I. Zhao, Hua II. Title III. Series | | Library : UiTM Shah Alam |
| Accn No. | Item Status | Add Id | Location | SMD | Item Category | 1004743 | Shelf | vol 2 | PERPUSTAKAAN KEJURUTERAAN TAR(P3) | BOOK | RAK TERBUKA (OPEN SHELVES) |