Political culture and political development / edited by Lucian W. Pye & Sidney Verba. Contributors: Lucian W. Pye [and others
| | | Political culture and political development. - Princeton, N.J. , 1965. |
| x, 574 p. ; 25 cm Studies in political development 5. | "Sponsored by the Committee on Comparative Politics of the Social Science Research Council.". | ISBN T000004470. | | 1. Comparative government - 1955-1965 2. Political development 3. World politics - 1955-1965 4. Political culture.I. Pye, Lucian W. - 1921- II. Verba, Sidney III. Social Science Research Council. Committee on Comparative Politics IV. Title V. Series | | Library : UiTM Shah Alam |
| Accn No. | Item Status | Add Id | Location | SMD | Item Category | 9440 | Withdrawn | | PERPUSTAKAAN SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI TAR(P4) | BOOK | RAK TERBUKA (OPEN SHELVES) | 29004 | Shelf | | PERPUSTAKAAN SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI TAR(P4) | BOOK | ret |